Friday, October 29, 2010

Issues that I Have that are Real

Youtube Celebrities

Maybe it's just deeply-rooted jealousy on my part, but I have serious problems taking anyone who becomes famous on Youtube seriously. The type of humor that will immediately garner you national attention is usually something that doesn't require a lot of intelligence to make.

...No, it's definitely deeply-rooted jealousy. They're obviously doing something right, and I just wish I could be as famous as they are. It's basically luck, and people like this Fred kid were definitely lucky.

People that are Funnier than Me

I like being the life of the party, and if someone else steals that spotlight, I'm immediately upset. So, in worlds like the blog world where I haven't yet found my niche and I'm not particularly hilarious yet, people like The Bloggess and Allie make me want to punch them in the too-funny face.

This is, once again, just jealousy, but it's true. /I/ want to be popular and hilarious. How come /they/ get to?

Does this dislike of what's popular make me look hipster?


  1. these issues are not real, rather they are what issue-less teens such as yourself consider problems while life and the crushing reality that you are not some delicate flower constantly dodging life-threatening dilemma but rather are a middle-class kid who has everything they need and most of what they want and who's only problems are self-referencing and nearly entirely fabricated. and as for your defining question - yes, yes you are - the plaid, skinny jeans, native american-motif necklace, converses, and most importantly the constant need for attention based upon the previously mentioned items would indicate that yes, you are a dirty fucking hipster

    /end (ahh, I love being a complete ass hole in the morning)

  2. The post itself was meant to be satirical and self-deprecating, and the point was mostly to show exactly what you're talking about. So it wasn't so much you being an asshole as misinterpreting the tone. I believe the proper term for someone who thinks they know what they're talking about but didn't actually pay any attention is 'douchebag'. :]

  3. Btw, the second blog that you linked is like my favorite thing ever. I found it last night, and ooooh my goodness. It made everything better. Haha. I don't know why I think it's as funny as it is, but I love it so much.
