Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Cellphone Likes to Tease Me

When my cell phone is by my computer, which is pretty much all the time when I'm at home, my speakers make a buzzing noise like they a really consistent cough, or like they're hacking up a hairball. Usually, this is a reliable way to know whether or not I'm going to get a text message.

Unfortunately, sometimes it causes this cough-ball for a few seconds, but doesn't get any text messages. I, being who I am and desperately wanting attention from anyone who could possibly get it at any time, get excited at the buzz because it means someone wants to talk to me.

And then I don't get a message.

It's hard to describe the feeling I get at being let down like this. On a scale of one to devastated, it's somewhere around parents-forgot-to-pick-me-up-from-elementary-school.

"Well, sorry kid. I'm going home. Hope they show up!"

Oh well.

Does this personification of inanimate objects make me look hipster?

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